Sunday, July 22, 2007

My new website is up and running

After many months of work, I have finally launched a new website that showcases my woodworking skills. The most unique item that I offer for sale on this site, is, I believe, my self-locking turtle boxes. It is a design that I have perfected over a period of twelve years or so.  The boxes are made of hardwood, and each takes between ten and fifteen hours of work to produce. Also on my site, you will find a duck-shaped box that uses the same locking mechanism, which is unique to my boxes. I also have small wooden "pumps" that spit out pennies endlessly, and some really sweet smelling stool samples. Check out this site to see some really unique, one-of-a-kind wood carvings and learn more about what I am up to. Here is the   I would like to know what you think of my stuff.


Kim Kelley-Wagner said...

I think your turtle boxes are wonderful! I want one! (can't afford at the moment, but I still want one). Keep creating, they are so beautiful! Kim

Anonymous said...

Hey Woody! I'm happy that your travels went well and am excited to hear more about the homestead. I've never been there, but because of the miracles of computers, I know what it looks like from a mouse's perspective from behind the mason jars! I was also looking at the cool carved things on your website and appreciating your sense of humor (stool samples)... Hope you're having lots of fun!
Love, Tikvah